Jessie gets messy

Jessica making Mom's Bitrthday Cake

Jessica laughs at one of Dad's Jokes

Her friend, Kalani, also is an NP-C sufferer

Helping around the house

Trying on dad's slippers

Practicing Karate moves

At play at the park

Showing a big boo-boo camping

Her smile brightens the world

Caught red-handed

Can I have a minute of your time?

Thinking about...?

Watch this, Dad!

Easy does it

Balance, Grasshopper!

Dismount was safe
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Contributions will be gratefully accepted to the Jessica Leoni Trust made out to the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation and/or the Jim Lambright Medical Research Foundation. Both Foundations are non-profit corporations that fund research projects to find a cure for Niemann-Pick Type C Disease. Your donation is tax deductible. You may send your contribution to:

The Jessica Leoni Trust
P.O. Box 83744
Los Angeles, CA 90083-0744

We will forward your donation. You may telephone us at (310) 649-6125.